Vehicle Patrol Services You Can Trust

When you think of protecting your property and keeping your resources safe, there is no substitute for a sound security system. However, nothing beats having a human on the ground when you want regular patrol on your premises and monitoring any suspicious activities. Here patrol services play their part in offering the utmost business protection.

Read this article to learn more about why vehicle patrol services can be so beneficial, how they work, and which factors you should consider when looking for trustworthy vehicle patrol services.

What are Vehicle Patrol Services?

Vehicle patrol services are a type of security service that involves security guards patrolling a designated area in a vehicle. It differs from stationary guard services, where guards are stationed in one location and do not move around. Vehicle patrol services allow guards to cover a larger area and increase visibility, making it more difficult for criminals to act without detection.

Which Vehicle Patrol Services Can You Trust and Choose For Your Business?

Choosing a trustworthy vehicle patrol service is crucial for ensuring the safety and security of your property and business. Let’s read on to discover key factors to consider when making this decision:

  1. Reputation and Experience 

Choosing a company with a good reputation in the industry and a proven track record of providing reliable and efficient vehicle patrol services is essential. You should also consider the company’s experience in the field. A company with many years of experience is more likely to have the necessary expertise and resources to handle any security challenges that may arise during patrol.

  • Qualifications and Training of Security Guards

The security guards patrolling your property should be appropriately trained, licensed and vetted. It is crucial to ensure that the guards are properly trained in security procedures, first aid, and crisis management. They should also be able to handle any situation that may arise professionally and calmly.

  • Type and Frequency of Patrols

Different companies may offer different types of vehicle patrol services, such as regular patrols, random patrols, or a combination of both. It is essential to consider the level of security you require and choose a company that offers patrols that meet your needs. The frequency of patrols is also necessary, as you may require more frequent patrols if your property is in a high-risk area.

  • Communication and Reporting Procedures

The vehicle patrol services should have clear and effective communication and reporting procedures. It includes guidelines for reporting incidents, suspicious activity or security breaches to the appropriate authorities. The company should also provide regular updates on patrol activities and any happenings on your property.

  • Response Time in Case of an Emergency

It is vital to choose a company with a quick response time in an emergency. It ensures that potential security breaches or threats can be dealt with quickly and effectively. The company should also have procedures in place for dealing with emergencies and should be able to provide backup if necessary.

  • Technology and Equipment

The vehicle patrol service should have the latest technology and equipment available to ensure they can provide the highest level of security. It may include:

  • GPS navigation so that officers quickly and easily find their way to the location of an incident or call for service
  • Video cameras are mounted on the exterior to record interactions with the public. It also provides evidence in the event of a complaint or arrest.
  • Computers that allow officers to access information such as criminal records and license plate databases
  • Safety equipment that is helpful, like; bullet-proof vests, batons, pepper spray, and firearms
  • Specialized equipment such as radar guns and breathalyzers to help officers detect and enforce traffic violations
  • Contract, Pricing and Credentials

It is crucial to have a clear contract and understand the company’s terms of service and pricing. Before signing any agreement, you should ensure you know the company’s policies and procedures and that you are comfortable with the service level.

Also, it is better to ask for references and check the company’s credentials, like insurance and licenses. You must choose a reputable and legally compliant security company to ensure the safety and security of your property.

Key Benefits of Hiring Reliable Patrol Vehicle Service

Some of the significant benefits of hiring the right vehicle patrol services for your property include the following:

  • Patrol security services provide an extra layer of protection for your business. They help deter potential criminal activity through regular patrol on all your business sites.
  • Having a security patrol on site can give you and your employees peace of mind, knowing there is someone there to keep an eye on the property and respond to any security issues.
  • Hiring a patrol security service is more cost-effective than hiring full-time security personnel, as you only pay for the services you need. Also, they can help you determine the best route for your patrol and offer a comprehensive security plan, all within your budget.
  • Patrol security services are a visible deterrent to crime, helping to reduce the likelihood of break-ins, vandalism, and other criminal activity.
  • A patrol security service can respond quickly to any security breaches, minimizing the damage and disruption caused.


Protecting your business from theft and vandalism should be a top priority in today’s insecure environment. Losing property and revenue due to criminal activity can devastate your business and lead to permanent closure. Hiring trustworthy vehicle patrol services is an effective way to deter crime and safeguard your property.

Direct Guard Services is your go-to option if you are looking for a competent, well-groomed, reliable security guard company. We offer patrolling of trained, professional guards at your facility at specific intervals to keep intruders and criminals away. We aim to provide quality services so you can focus on your business peacefully.