California Crime Rate: Can You Run a Business Safely?

California is usually crowned as the commercial and historical center of the United States of America. With millions of tourists visiting California each year, the California crime rate seems to be scaling alongside its popularity. As more and more people travel towards California, offenders see this as an opportunity to commit their dirty deeds.

The crime rates in California have been stable until late 2014, with a violent physical crime rate of 3.96 percent and a staggering 24.41 percent property crime rate. Although the rates of property crimes have gone down slightly, over the years,  from 2014 to 2019, statistics still show a perpetual increase in physical violent crimes throughout the state of California.

Nothing can beat the record-breaking increase in the crime rate in California back in the 60s to 80s. In two decades, the California crime rate suffered from a jaw-dropping increase of 77 percent. Fortunately, things have been rather tamed lately. Still, the increase in crime that has subtly been creeping up on us is something worth noting.

Is California Safe For Business

Although the crime rate has been shifting towards the red for quite a while now, running a business is still very liable in California. With the right amount of security measures put in place, owning a business can actually be very successful. This is due to residents needing a secure environment to fulfill their needs. What do you Need to Consider Before Starting a Business in California?

There are a number of factors that you need to consider before going for a business venture in California.

First of all, you need to consider what kind of business you are hoping to start, what the nature of your business is going to be, and how prone to crime it is. After considering this, only then will you be able to properly make a plan regarding the safeguarding of your business, your employees, and your customers.

After deciding on the nature of your business, the next step is to take into consideration the placement of your business geographically. As the density of California’s crime rate is not equally distributed among the whole state, some counties or cities may be more prone to crime and vice versa.

Now you have your location as well. After performing a fair amount of research you can be able to find out the crime statistics for your area. These statistics are going to help you a lot in the planning phase of your business. Your employee hiring process, your building details, and your security services requirement is all dependent upon these statistics.

With a high crime rate, you will have to compromise on the presentability of your facility and focus on making it as secure as you can, to be able to protect yourself, your employees, and your customers. Similarly, with a higher crime rate, the hiring process of your employees is going to be a lot more difficult because you will have to perform extensive background checks. Finally, with a higher crime rate, you would need a larger number of highly skilled security guards to secure the entirety of your parameters. Direct Guard Services is one of the best security services company currently working in most of the counties present in California.

After deciding on all these factors. now it is time to put everything into action. The more time you spend on the purpose of research to further make your plan flawless, the more seamless the application process is going to be. If you are looking for security guards for your businesses in California, visit us at to get the best security services at the most affordable prices. With almost over a decade of experience providing security services in California, we are confident that we will be able to provide you with utmost satisfaction.

We have employed over a hundred ex-marine officers and highly trained professionals to protect you and the people around you. With the help of our security guards and mobile patrol units, you can go about your business calmly and peacefully. Contact us now!

Customer Service Traits That a Security Guard Should Always Have

Over the past few years, security guards have evolved from people who used to look over our premises to individuals who have become an integral part of the workforce. Although they are expected to always appear tough and unapproachable there should be a certain degree of flexibility present. Security guards are some of the few people who come in contact with the customers before anyone else. If the guard appears friendly and approachable, the business would have a higher chance of the prospective customers converting into actual customers.

So, let us look at some of the people skills a security guard can benefit from and help provide better customer service along with the employees of the business and be a good samaritan all the while

Listening To The Client

Although private security guards are not the employees of the business they are posted at on duty, they are a representative of that business. So if any customer would have a complaint or suggestion, they would probably notify the management department of the business. It is the job of the security guard to take whatever he is being told by the management seriously, and take notes on how he could further improve his behavior while dealing with customers. This will not only help the client have more faith and trust in his security guards but also helps the guard grow as an individual.

Greets Your Client’s Customers

Security guards are trained to treat their clients’ customers as they would their own. Being the first representative of the business to the customer, security guards have the power to make or break a loyal customer. At Direct Guard Services, we teach our officers to treat customers of our clients with the same respect that they would have for their superiors.


The security officer should also be able to communicate with other employees present on the premises. This will not only make your work life easier but also a lot more enjoyable. Being able to communicate with the employees, you would be able to get to the bottom of the issues that may or may not arise quicker, and work together to come up with a solution. Also, with an air of faith and trust, the employees would be much more comfortable around you and will help you put in a good word for your services.

Strike Up Conversations

After developing an air of faith and trust amongst the employees, the next step would be to befriend them. Nobody likes to spend their time at work alone in seclusion. After work hours are over or during breaks, try to strike up conversations or small talk amongst the employees. This will make your job easier and more enjoyable by manifolds.

Offer Help

Whenever you notice a customer is having a tough time navigating through the office building or finding a customer representative, always step up and offer help because at that time you are a pseudo-employee of the business and it is your job to represent the business in a kind way. These small gestures of kindness can help convert a lot more prospective customers into actual customers.

Problem Solver

Problems can arise at any moment in a business setting regardless of being with the customers or the employees. In such a case, it is the job of the security guard to mediate the problems as they arise if there is no authoritative figure available. Being an authority of law, safeguarding the peaceful environment of the business is one of the most important tasks of a security guard. They must be able to quickly assess the problem and become a mediator without taking any bias.

According to our experts here at Direct Guard Services, these are some of the few most important customer service traits that a security guard should possess. We train our security guard to be able to exhibit all these traits and to provide top-rated quality services to our clients.

To learn more about our services, visit or contact us at direct guard

What Makes a Security Guard Effective?

In any kind of social setting, the security guards’ presence has a huge responsibility upon their shoulders. Not only do they need to ensure the safety of their clients, but also the safety of anyone that may be visiting their clients as a guest or customer.

A security guard is usually the first person to come in contact with danger and tries to resolve the problem. Like every profession, there are a certain set of attributes that the security guard must excel if they are hoping to be good at their job.  Every security company goes the extra mile to hire the best trained and moral officers that would be able to perform their jobs to the best of their capabilities, at Direct Guard Services are no different. Before hiring our officers, DGS performs extensive background checks and conducts a training protocol to maximize their efficiency and effectiveness, and only then picks out the most outstanding officers for our clients.

Qualities Of A Great Security Guard

Every profession comes along with its own unique set of requirements and conditions. However, sometimes there are things you can do to take it one step further and stand out amongst the rest of your peers. Here are some qualities that you can quite easily develop to be the best in the business.

Honesty Is The best policy

Regardless of what your profession is, the number one rule every business should abide by is honesty.

We are all human beings and sometimes make mistakes. This holds true for security guards as well. Being responsible for the safety of your clients and their customers ,it’s important for the guard to always report honestly even if a mistake was made, because a simple mistake can turn into a disaster if left unattended. Being able to admit their mistakes by being honest, and trying their best to rectify the error is one of the most important qualities of a good security guard.

Appearance Maketh The Man

This may come off as a surprise, but the way a security guard dresses can also differentiate between a good and bad officer.

If an officer is lazy in the way he dresses, he won’t be taken seriously by clients or even the offenders. A well-dressed officer appears to be sharp and always vigilant. By dressing sharp you have an air of alertness around you that helps you send out a warning message to every possible offender that may be in the area. Physical appearance in itself is a deterrence for crime.

A Charismatic Leader And Loyal Follower

A security guard is always seen on their own. Working in solidarity sometimes causes them to forget that they are part of a team.

A good security guard is a charismatic leader who knows when it is time to take matters into their own hand, and how to lead a team of officers to deal with the current situation. But, that’s not all. A  good officer must also be able to follow orders loyally when the time demands it . Safety and security are tough jobs to take upon yourself alone, if you learn how to work as a team then you can be a good security guard.

Communication Skills

Lasly, the most important skill that a security guard can have is the ability to communicate information effectively and efficiently.

Being able to keep the flow of information running between the team, client, and dispatch without letting it affect your job is probably one of the deciding factors while dealing with a problematic situation. A security officer should have the necessary skills to speak and write effectively so that he is able to produce accurate reports,  swiftly and concisely.

At Direct Guard Services, we take it upon ourselves to train our officers to be the very best on the field. With years of experience, and state of the art technology in our arsenal, we leave no corner unturned when it comes to the training of our officers. Providing you with the best security guard services in California, visit us today and learn more about what we can do for you.

The Importance of Security Guards for a Business

The threat of theft and damage to properties and assets has always been a major hindrance to the prosperity of a business. To minimize these threats, companies should prioritize the use of security for their facilities.  A safe and secure workplace leads to happy and at peace employees. This can increase your productivity and elevate the atmosphere of the workplace. There are a lot of ways a company can take care of these problems, but the most effective and cheapest of them all is to hire a  private security services company like Direct Guard Services to provide security guards.

Security guards have been the cornerstone of every company’s security details for the longest of times. Having physical security present can cause a huge deterrence in the frequency of an offense occurring,  and helps increase the productivity of the organization as a whole. Let us share some of the benefits you get from hiring security guards for your business.

Physical Presence

Having high tech equipment and innovative technology for your security certainly does help in crime-solving, but they do not have the deterring impact that physically presents security guards have. Being able to deter offenders and criminals with only their intimidating presence not only helps with crime-solving but stops crime before it is even committed. This helps lower the crime rate of the business by manifolds.

Peace of Mind

A peaceful organizational environment is a healthy environment for the employees to work and also for the customers who visit. Employees and customers are the biggest assets of any organization and it is the duty of an organization to guarantee the physical and mental security of these assets. With the presence of security guards the employees and customers develop a sense of security and can have peace of mind. This will strengthen their trust in your organization and make them loyal to your company.

Customer Service

Although the job description of security guards is to provide security to the people and properties,  security guards can also help you deliver better customer service to your clients. The officers at Direct Guard Services are specifically trained in handling customer queries and pointing them in the right direction, along with helping them with any situations they may be facing. Security guards are amongst the very first people that a customer comes in contact with . Their job is to help the customers out to the best of their knowledge. At Direct Guard Services, we believe that your customer satisfaction is just as important to us as it is to you.

Crisis Aversion and Crowd Control

Not all disasters can be avoided some natural and manmade disasters are unavoidable. During a disaster, it is the job of security guards to provide the people with assurance and allow them to maintain order and stay calm. Security guards also provide first aid and medical assistance to any victims and try to get the situation under control.  In addition, they report to the respective authorities about the incident. In the event of evacuations, the guards need to assess the situation swiftly and decide the course of action, prioritizing the less fortunate and feeble ones. This way, they can maintain order during the chaos.

Looking for Security Guards in California?

After understanding the importance of security guards at businesses, have you decided on getting some guards for your business? Direct Guard Services has been one of the best security services companies since its inauguration in 2010. Working tirelessly, day and night, we provide our customers with 24/7 services without any delay. Our officers are all highly skilled and trained with the use of the most innovative and advanced technical training programs. We have been providing top-rated security services in every corner of California for almost a decade now.

Learn more about us and our services at

Are you getting the most out of your security guard services?

In recent years security services have garnered a very high demand due to the rising rates of crimes. Although hiring a professional security service provider is always a good idea there are still some elements you need to consider. Most of the people who hire private security are unaware of how to utilize these security guard services to the best of their ability.

To maximize the utility of security guards there are a few topics that you need to conduct thorough research on.  You also need to have a strong understanding of the scale and nature of your business, your locality, and the crime statistics in your area. Only after carefully considering all these elements, can you make a proper decision and get the most out of these private security guard services.

What Do You Need to Consider?

Although there are a lot of thoughts that need to be put in the process of hiring a security guard service, here are some of the elements you should consider in order to get the most utility out of these services:

Understand Your Needs

The first thing that you need to do before deciding anything is determine  your needs. To do this you will need to completely understand the nature of your business and how prone to crime it is. If the risk is high,  you need to get appropriately trained security guards from reputable providers such as,  DirectGuardServices. You would also need to figure out the entire area of the parameter to come up with the appropriate number of security guards. There is always a perfect amount of manpower you would need, any higher or lower than it could lead you to incur losses.

Review The Supervision System

No matter how vigilant you are you can’t always keep an eye on your employed security guards. Therefore, before hiring a security guard service make sure to review the supervising system the company has in place for its security guards. At Direc Guard Services we keep a keen eye on the performances of our security guards. In addition, our supervisors perform regular unannounced surprise supervisory trips to the guards on-site and keep track of their performance. The client is also able to get a-hold of this information, making the process of keeping track of the guards easier.

Keep Tabs On The Guard’s Qualification

After coming up with a provisionary quote, make sure that you ask for the qualification reports of the suggested officers. Go through the qualifications of all possible officers and go along with the best candidate. A qualified person will most likely provide you with quality services and get you your money’s worth. At DGS, we have employed a very strict screening process through which only qualified personnel are able to get a job working for DGS. We firmly believe in providing top-rated quality services to all our clients.

Choose The Best Provider

Although this might seem like the most obvious point, it is also the one that is the least practiced. There are no free meals in the world. People usually try to cut the security budget out for other departments and get some no-name providers to deliver security services and end up incurring losses. You need to be able to assess your risks and create a budget accordingly, and look for the best providers in your budget. Do not compromise on your security because no matter how many assets you get, they are still vulnerable to crime without proper safety measures. At DirectGuardServices, we provide you with premium quality services at very affordable rates, because we believe that everyone should be able to benefit from our services.

Looking To Hire Security Guards in California?

Are you looking to hire a security detail for your businesses in California? Visit us at to learn more about the services we provide all over California. With trained officers and an ever-vigilant staff, we ensure you that we will be able to fulfill all your requirements. Contact us now!

Observe And Report: What It Means To Be A Security Guard

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a security guard? What is the job description while applying for a security officer position?

If you are looking for work as security personnel or to hire security for your business or personal property, you may have heard of “observe and report”.

“Observe and report” refers to the ideology which most security companies have styled their training and education for their officers. The process of safeguarding and protecting has evolved immensely over the past few years. Security guards progressed from being someone who looks out for your property at night to someone who is ever-present and you can rely upon for your security. The officers here at Direct Guard Services or DGS are extensively trained to be able to provide you with top-rated security services at an affordable price with no compromise on quality.

Now you must be wondering that what “observe and report” actually means. Well, let’s find out.Observe and Report       

Observe and report refers to observing a situation and reporting about it. Let us look at an in-depth explanation about what this signifies for a security guard. “Observe and report” is a two-part theory so we will look at each individually.


Observation is the most important job requirement for a security guard. Any trained professional officer should be well-versed in the art of observation and should be able to deduce and understand what your security equipment may have missed. Security officers here at DGS are trained specifically in their observation skills. Our officers are able to keep a keen eye on the surroundings and premises of our clients and can find out if anything seems out of the ordinary or suspicious. At DGS, we take pride in our extensive training programs that train our officers to be able to read body language, assess the situation, and determine the best course of action.

At DGS, our training program focuses heavily on teaching our officers how to keep their mind calm in case of an emergency and to assess the situation. If there are people in need of immediate help then they shall rush to perform first-aid procedures. Afterward, it is the legal obligation of a security guard to report the incident to the proper authorities.


After observing any suspicious activity, the first step a security guard needs to take is to report the incident. Being able to make a timely report to the correct authorities is also the job of a security guard. Although sometimes the security guard needs to take action themselves, a report must also be made to the authorities. Though sometimes the problem may be out of the powers of the officer,  the officer then needs to make a quick assessment of the situation and notify the respective authorities promptly.

For example, in the event, a fire breaks out, the guards at DGS are trained to quickly assess the situation and find out if there is anyone that requires any immediate attention. Afterward, they are to notify the local fire department regarding the fire and report the extent of the capabilities of its destruction. After making the detailed report, our officers will go around and try to get the situation under control to stop the fire from spreading and provide first aid to any possible victims.

Hire the Best Security Officers in California

After looking at the “observe and report” phenomenon you might be able to tell that being a security guard is not as easy as it looks, and being the best at it is tough. Direct Guard Services has worked tirelessly since 2010 to be able to reach a standard where it can claim to be the best in the business.

To learn more about our services contact us by email or visit us at

Which Is The Right Security Guard Company For You?

Choosing the right security provider from the list of security guard companies is just as important as choosing the right sized shirt for yourself. If it does not fit your needs it will end up doing more harm than good.

Looking at the trends currently being showcased by the world regarding rising crime rates, it is clear to see that offenders are getting smarter and more confident by each passing day.

Regardless of the size and nature of an organization, the employment of security detail is something that should always be considered amongst the very first elements. As the safety and protection of your workforce and assets are what dictates your success or failure in the market. A peaceful and secure workforce is a motivated and happy workforce.

In California, security guard companies can be found by the dozens, but to find out what company is suitable for you and your businesses’ needs there are some conditions that you should keep in mind.

Goodwill Of The Security Company

While deciding on a security company nearby, you need to look into the goodwill of the company. The goodwill of the company not only includes the services they are providing but also the reviews from past clients letting you know about what quality of the promised services they are providing. You should perform a fair amount of research regarding companies before hiring their services.

For example, if you are looking for security guard companies in California you might come across our website Direct Guard Services, after careful consideration and looking at our past reviews from our clients you may select our company for your security needs.

What Kind of Security Guards Do You need?

Different companies are willing to provide you with different types of security.  For example, Direct Guard provides you with security guards and mobile patrol guards. Before employing the services of a security company be sure to understand what you need. Being able to make the right decision will help you immensely in the long run.


Do you have a certain set of requirements and qualifications that you want your employed security guards to have? Maybe you want the officers to be trained in firearm usage? Or, maybe you would prefer officers who have served in the armed forces?

You need to consider all these questions before hiring a security company. After figuring out all your needs and wants, only then, you can be completely satisfied with the services of your employed officers.

Nature Of Your Business

The hiring of the best security guard companies also depends strongly upon the nature of the business you are running. If you want security guards for a bakery then maybe you can make do with a few unarmed security guards whereas, if you are running a jewelry shop, you may need to employ a unit of armed personnel because the likeliness of a crime occurring in a jewelry shop is much higher than a bakery. You need to understand your own business perfectly before you set out to find security guards.

Reliable And Authentic

After understanding everything about what you need, you should look for a security company that appears to be reliable and authentic. Look at their reviews, their training programs, their officers’ qualifications, and last but not least what the internet says about them. By performing this research prior to the hiring of guards, it may save you from incurring heavy losses.


Lastly, every security company should have an official license issued to them by the state they are doing business in. Before you jump on employing the services of the security companies make sure that the company has performed all legal formalities and has the proper documentation to do what they are trying to do.

If you are looking for security guards of mobile patrol services in California, head over to our website at We provide you with the best services in the entire region and can promise complete satisfaction.

Armed and Unarmed Security Guard Services in Riverside, Ca.

Top-Rated Security Guard Services in Riverside, Ca.

Riverside, also known as the “City of Arts and Innovations” is one of the most rapidly growing counties in California. As the population of the county rises by each passing day, so do the crime rates and security is becoming a major issue in Riverside, Ca. One of the best ways of eliminating these security risks is the employment of private security services in Riverside.

Private security guard services in Riverside CA help you in securing your personal, professional, or commercial properties and assets. DirectGuardServices has been working as a private security guard services provider in California since 2010 and has been ranked amongst one of the best security services companies. With units of highly skilled and trained officers, DirectGuardServices will provide you a complete security detail including armed guards, unarmed guards, mobile patrol units, and personal bodyguards, to meet all of your security needs.

Our Services

We offer a wide array of security services in Riverside, including armed and unarmed security guards and mobile patrol services. All of our personnel are licensed and have been through elaborate training to be able to provide you with the best possible services.

We offer the following security services in Riverside:

Disturbance Handling

The security officers at DirectGuardServices are trained to secure the entire premises of your buildings including all of the nearby areas in case a disturbance occurs and they try to get the situation under control and report to the respective authorities about the occurrence. This will not only help your business avoid damages but also to create a generous image for your business in your surroundings.

24/7 Dispatch Services

At Direct Guard Services, we don’t sleep so you can. We believe in providing 24 hours through the entirety of the week throughout Riverside, CA. We believe that security problems can arise at any moment of the day so we are on call and ready to receive a distress call and get on our way. Our officers will be the first to reach you and get the situation under control.

Medical Services

Our security officers are all trained to provide first aid medical services in case of an emergency. Whether it is a work injury or something much more severe, Direct Guard Services trains its officers to be able to provide swift and effective first aid medical procedures. A quick-reacting security officer could be the deciding factor in saving someone’s life.

Customer Service

Security guards are the first and last people a customer comes in contact with. At Direct Guard Services we train our officers to represent your company as a good employee. All of our officers are trained in many customer service skills that will help you convert more customers because our officers are equipped with the following skills:

  • Effective Communication
  • Assertiveness
  • Offering Guidance and Direction
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Problem Solving
  • Empathy

Deterring Crime

Professionally dressed at all times, our security guards are an image of vigilance and determination. The physical appearance of a security guard is one of the biggest factors in crime deterrence. Being able to see a security officer live on the scene makes the offender contemplate the possibilities of all consequences that he may have to face. Physical security works much better at crime deterrence than any safety equipment or CCTV because of the fear of consequences being more apparent and realistic.

Looking For Security Services in Riverside, CA?

Direct Guard Services has been providing top-rated security services in California since 2010. With experience spanning over almost a decade, DGS is considered amongst the top security service companies in all of California. With the help of professional experts, training programs, and the most innovative technology (DirectTrack), we strive to provide the best services you can find at the most affordable prices. With a wide array of specialized departments, we will help you secure all your highrise buildings security, educational institutions security, financial institutions security, warehouses,  retail shopping centers security, and personal properties with the best quality services you can find.

Work together with us and let us help you move towards a better, brighter, and more secure future.

Security Guard Services In San Bernardino, Ca.

San Bernardino is amongst the biggest cities in California with an area of over 81 square miles and a population of 215,784. Known widely for California State University San Bernardino, San Bernardino is one of the most scenic and culturally rich cities in California.

Unfortunately,  in recent years, the rising crime rates in the city have caused a huge wave of concern amongst the residents. With one of the highest crime rates on the national average, it is no surprise that people would be worried about their safety. One of the best ways to guarantee your safety in San Bernardino is by hiring private security guard services.

There is a wide array of security guard services currently working in San Bernardino. With Direct Guard Services being one of the best amongst them. Boasting a large number of professionally trained individuals, DGS has been providing Top-rated Security guard services in San Bernardino since 2010.

Why Do You Need Security Guards in San Bernardino, CA?

With the ever-rising crime rates, it is usually a good option to hire professional security guards in San Bernardino. With security services at Direct Guard Services, you can take care of the security of your homes, offices, warehouses, highrise buildings security, educational institutions security, and medical facilities.

Direct Guard Services strives to provide you with 24/7 dispatch services all over San Bernardino with security guards and mobile patrol services alert and ready to work. With fully licensed and trained officers, we will enable you to live your life in peace and harmony.

What Services Do We Offer in San Bernardino?

We offer you a wide array of services all around San Bernardino which include but are not limited to:

24/7 Customer Support and Dispatch Services

We believe that crime waits for no one and can happen at any time and any place. With our 24/7 customer support services, our officers never sleep and are always ready to listen to you about your problems and help however they can. Our dispatch services are working around the clock and will get to you in time regardless of the time and place.

A Wide Array of Officers For All of Your Needs

At DGS we have professionally trained officers for every kind of situation you may be in. We provide you with:

  • Licensed and adequately trained armed officers
  • Vigilant unarmed officers
  • Fire watch officers
  • Mobile patrol services
  • Bodyguards for your personal security
  • Plain civilian clothed officers to provide security away from the gazes of watchful eyes

With a very versatile workforce that has been trained rigorously to handle each and every kind of situation, Direct Guard Services can help you take care of any problem that you may face in your personal or professional lives.

Monitoring and Reporting

Our security guards are extremely vigilant and take their jobs very seriously. They monitor the entire parameter of your home or businesses throughout the day with a very keen eye. With access to state of the art technology and emergency services like 911, our officers are the first to reach the area of the call and try their best to keep the situation under control while reporting to the respective authorities. Our officers are also trained in providing first aid services to any possible victims of the problems.

Looking For Security Guard Services in San Bernardino, CA?

If you are looking for security guards or mobile patrol services in San Bernardino, come work with us at Direct guard services. Direct Guard Services has been a frontrunner in security services in California for almost a decade. With affordable prices and top-rated professional services, we ensure you quality service and complete satisfaction. Contact us now!

Hire Highly Trained Security Guards In Los Angeles

Whether it is your business or your house, the safety of you, your families, or your workforce, their safety and security is always the number one concern for everyone.

Considering the statistics regarding the crime rate in Los Angeles for the past few years, it is clear that the frequency of crimes occurring is increasing at an alarming rate. After considering these facts, you should consider hiring professional Direct Guard security guard services in Los Angeles for your house or your businesses.

Why Do You Need Security Guards?

With crime rates on the rise throughout the state of California, it is time for you to get some professional help.

Professional security guards not only provide you with security and safety, but they also have a lot of other benefits that you may not be aware of yet.

Handling Disturbances

Professional security guards at DirectGuard are trained not only to protect you ,and your assets from direct harm, but are also efficient in handling nearby disturbances that may directly or indirectly affect the atmosphere of your business.

These security guards are advised and trained to act promptly and try to get any act of disturbances under control before they reach your safe haven.

Crisis Handling

You may already know this but crime isn’t the only thing that may affect the peace and serenity of your business. There may be a lot of man-made or natural disasters that may lead to discontent amongst the employees of your business. The security guards at DirectGuard are trained specifically in crowd control and crisis aversion. Figuring out the best plan of action to get everyone to safety while maintaining the peace and calm of mind amongst the masses is also the job of a security guard.

Medical Services

In the event of emergencies, there are times when medical services may take a while to reach your location. Whether it is a work injury or something much more severe, Direct Guard trains its officers to be able to provide swift and effective first aid medical procedures. Security guards are able to get the problem under control swiftly and are able to help an individual get the necessary aid required. Sometimes, a quick-reacting security guard may be the difference that was needed to save a life.

Peace of Mind

Along with having a prominent physical effect around the premises of your business, having a unit of security guards also has a psychological effect. People tend to be more at peace and calm if they can see an officer stationed nearby. These officers provide employees and clients alike with a sense of security and protection. Leaving your employees and clients with a smile on their faces, our security guards are taught to make them feel comfortable and at ease.

Keep a Watchful Eye Over Everything

The most important job of a security guard would without a doubt be keeping track of everything and everyone that moves. Security guards keep detailed logs regarding the exit and entry from the premises and are able to maintain them over a long duration of time.

Our security guards are also trained to provide you with live feedback and reports in case of an emergency and come up with proper countermeasures. This will help you keep a stronghold upon what goes on around your organization, from the comfort of your work office.

Are you considering hiring professional security for your businesses in Los Angeles? We at Direct Guard Services have been working for several years in California to provide you with the best security details for every kind of situation you can think of.

Contact us now and receive a quote today!