6 Helpful Tips to Improve Your Security Guard Service

Nowadays, security guard services are essential for businesses that want to keep their employees and properties safe.

Indeed, some security guards are not very observant, but you can improve your security service by a significant margin if you pay attention.

In this article, we’re going to share with you six helpful tips to improve your security guard service:

Have a written plan

This is one of the most important steps to improve your security guard service. You have to create a plan in which you will state the responsibilities and duties of your security guards. In addition, you need to include information such as what they should do when faced with certain situations and how they should communicate with the police.

Improve Your Security Guards Communication Skills

The first step in improving your security guards is to improve their communication skills. The more they can communicate effectively with others within their jurisdiction, the better they will be able to stop criminal activities from taking place or react quickly once they do take place. In addition, the ability of your guards to communicate well can help them build good relationships with other members of the organization or business where they work. This can make them feel more secure because they can trust that those around them are trustworthy and capable of protecting them if necessary.

Give Better Training

It is no secret that training is one of the essential things to improve any service. If you want to improve your security guard service, you should look at ways to train your guards even better than they are now.

Train Your Guards for Better Performance. Security guards should receive adequate training to perform their job duties properly. Some states require a certain amount of training before being licensed as a security guard. Most firms provide additional training on top of what is required by law. This training includes such things as how to write reports, deal with difficult people and conduct investigations. Additional training may be provided in specific areas such as private investigating or working in schools.

For your guards to be prepared for any situation, they are recommended to take part in defense training programs. This way, they will learn how to defend themselves, deal with different types of situations, and even use weapons. Often, these training programs are offered by companies that provide security guard services. So, make sure you ask about this before hiring their services.

It is essential to train your team properly so that they can do their job effectively and provide a professional service to your clients. Your team must be well trained to effectively handle any situation that may arise during the process of providing security services. You should ensure that your guards can handle any type of situation, including challenging cases such as robberies, accidents and other criminal activities.

Make Sure Guards Are Properly Equipped

Security guards should have all of the equipment they need to complete their job duties correctly. This includes having a uniform that fits appropriately, proper footwear, and any weapons required to perform their jobs, such as batons, handcuffs, or pepper spray. Guards should also have a notebook, pen, and flashlight if necessary.

Use video surveillance

Modern video surveillance equipment has made it easier for security guards to perform their tasks efficiently. If you want to improve your business, invest in modern video surveillance equipment like CCTV cameras and live stream feeds that your guards can monitor remotely via smartphones or tablets. You can also use infrared cameras, which offer better quality images night or inside buildings.

Bottom Line

Security guard service is necessary for several businesses and organizations. Security guards may be needed to keep an eye on the premises, patrol the grounds, monitor alarms or watch surveillance cameras. Security guard services are often hired for special events or temporary projects.

With these tips at hand, you can choose the best security service and improve them gradually to perfection.

Security Company and Its Role

Security services as the name itself suggest are essential for the safety and protection of people in public places such as residential areas, schools, workplaces, market places, shopping malls, etc. They are required to be present in these areas in order to keep things in place and most importantly, secure. It is possible to think security service officials are the same as police officers as they are both important for the safety of the community, however, it is necessary to understand the fine line between the two of them.

The major difference between the two is that security guards are responsible to keep unwanted activity from happening; from violence, vandalism, robbery, theft to any sort of danger when on the other hand, police officers intervene when all of the mentioned incidents have already happened. Security services unlike police officers are not to respond to criminal threats until law enforcement is present. Since they are present to avoid any criminal activity from happening in the first place, criminals will avoid targeting an area as secure with such an active force. It is important to note that if a situation is unavoidable and gets out of hand, the security service guards are in fact, trained well enough to tackle the situation until the police forces arrive on the spot.

It may still be confusing to differentiate the role of a security service but as you read further, it will become much easier to understand. Following are the basic roles fulfilled by a security service which will clear enough how they play such an integral part in the safety of a community.


A Security Service guard should be

  • Visible and Vigilant

A very main yet simple responsibility of a security guard is to just be visible which is all that is needed to avoid illegal activity from occurring. A security guard could either be one making rounds in a public space, keeping a watch on the CCTV cameras, guarding the gates of an entrance or checkpoints of a certain area, asking for people’s IDs before they enter an event, or a particular building.

For them to be vigilant is enough for the criminals to stay away from a secured area so there is less or no chance at all of, burglary, robbery, theft, vandalism, or any serious crime.

Why visibility and vigilance go hand in hand is because even if the security guards are present but still not performing their job accordingly, criminals can make them easy and be able to commit crimes. To be a resourceful security guard means to be able to stay put, see, hear, stay calculated, and always remain ready in case of any unwanted activity. They should be able to notice suspicious actions if there is any leakage of gasoline, the occurrence of unusual sounds, and any possible risks that can cause damage.

  • Reflexive and Responsive

A security service official should have the ability to respond deliberately in case of any unusual activity and should have good reflexes to combat it. Even if a situation is not as serious to requires immediate action, the security guards should be able to make sure they are well calculated and always ready. They should be so skilled and polished that any unwanted situation can dissolve on its own because their presence is so strict, or it cannot even happen in the first place because of how attentive the security guards are required to be.

Being able to ease things out before situations get out of hand and just coincidentally be walking by somewhere at the right time to avoid a serious situation are all the more things, they should be good at to protect a community from becoming targets of unwanted activity.

What makes their job very demanding is that they are required to be alerted 24/7 even if they seem to have everything under their control or have diffused a situation. There is still high risk right after things move back to normal and so the guards need to make sure of any potential threats. They are made to follow the rules accordingly and who to report or involve depending upon how bad the situation is. After a disturbing situation, they are required to let owners, managers, etc. of a place targeted know and guide them what measures to take to be able to avoid a situation as such from happening again.

They should be so efficient to know when to call an emergency, law enforcement, or the police during the handling of a difficult situation. A situation that can be handled by their own doesn’t need the assistance of the police or any other force however if there is serious damage and weapons involved, the security service should be quick enough to realize the complexity of a situation and immediately call law enforcement to avoid private properties and lives of people getting damages and the police to help with tackling the situation.

  • Able to Monitor and Maintain order in a respective area

Crimes and breaches don’t occur daily but it is very important to not take peaceful days for granted and make sure areas are still looked after and made sure they are secure. People returning to homes after busy days expect peace and calm, when they go to work, they expect to not get distracted or when they are out for some time off, they deserve to have a good time and be safe in the public spaces. The security guard officials are to make sure all things around are under control and protected. Their management sets out ground rules for them that they are required to follow for example, in a workplace, they should know if all people working in the office belong.

They do this by checking their IDs issued by the very workplace. In case of any visitors in the workplace, they make sure why they are there, who called them or if they have a specific appointment. Public events such as business meetings, fundraisers, weddings, parties, conferences, celebrations, or any sorts of gatherings can include hundreds or even thousands of people at times that deserve to be monitored and kept secure. Usually, large-scale public gatherings require a team of security officials. The security service guards are required to maintain order by checking passes if any and prevent any chaos from occurring right from the start as they are used to tackling difficult situations and identifying risks that can have longlasting effects. 


Other Roles and Responsibilities

Businesses, managers, people that hire security service guards should be guided by the officials on how to handle troubling situations on their own as well depending on how much they can. They should provide safety instructions to the staff on how to react when there is an intruder with weapons and how to evacuate a building, area in case of a fire breaking out or gas leaking. The security services should advise their employers when is the best time to call out for an emergency and to never wait out if they sense any unusual activity. They have to make sure to remind their employers in a lighter tone about past experiences if any and communicate what could go wrong. Reassurance is very important to erase fears and provide confidence to the people. The security service guards need to make sure to convey to the people to cooperate when it comes to displaying their IDs when asked and visitors to register themselves when asked to avoid any possible security risk.

The security services are not just required to be on foot during busy times but also when they are over. Places like offices, warehouses, factories, schools, residential areas, shopping malls, require to be kept an eye on even after busy hours, all through the night and the guards should make sure no unusual activity takes place when all of the mentioned areas are left empty.

Why the Security services matter and are an integral part of the community

The security service guards are not just there to be on the front lines to keep you safe but they belong in the community as a family. The effort these security guards put in to assist the working-place staff, clients, and any regular individuals are unfathomable. They deserve the recognition and realization that they matter in the community. You can only give them back by cooperating with them.

Know what makes them different from the police officers, how they are present at your service at most times and understand their vitality to the community you belong to, and know that your safety is because of them.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Armed or Unarmed: What Kind of Security Is Best for Your Business?

Deciding on whether to hire armed or unarmed security for your business is a big decision.

As a business owner, the safety and security of your employees, customers, and assets should be one of your top priorities. A good security service can act as a deterrent for would-be thieves and burglars and help to keep your business safe from theft and fraud.

The type of service you choose will depend on your needs, budget, and the level of protection desired for your premises.

Armed or unarmed security guards: which is best for your business?

Both armed and unarmed security guards have their advantages, but depending on the type of business you run and the level of crime in your area, one may be a better fit for your needs. Let’s take a look at the benefits of each to help you decide which one makes sense for your organization.

Unarmed security guards

Let’s start by looking at the benefits of hiring unarmed security. Unarmed guards are typically less expensive to hire than their armed counterparts. The average starting salary for an unarmed guard is about $11 per hour, but it ranges from $9 to about $15 per hour, according to SalaryExpert.com. Pay depends on the employer, location and experience required. In addition to being cheaper, having an unarmed guard provides some other benefits that can make them a good choice for certain types of businesses and organizations.

Unarmed guards are often more approachable than armed guards because they don’t have weapons. This can be particularly useful if you need someone to be available as a greeter or host at events or parties, as they’ll feel less threatening to guests who may not expect hired security — especially armed security.

Armed security guards

Armed guards are more intimidating than their unarmed counterparts, which means they’re more effective at preventing crimes from happening in the first place. In many states, they can also arrest suspects. If you have a large amount of valuable merchandise or cash on hand at your business, an armed guard may be the right choice for you. Hiring an armed guard is riskier than hiring an unarmed guard because it increases the possibility that someone will get hurt. If your property gets robbed or vandalized by an armed criminal despite your efforts, you could end up getting sued for not doing enough to protect your customers and employees.

Things to consider when choosing

Here are some things to consider while choosing between both:

  • Armed guards often have additional training and are perceived as more intimidating, serving as a deterrent for criminals.
  • Also, consider the type of business you have and what types of threats you face. For example, if you operate a retail store in a high-crime area, you may want to consider armed guards as an additional deterrent for criminals. On the other hand, unarmed guards may be more appropriate if you operate a small office or store where theft is not typically an issue. Next, consider your budget. Generally speaking, it costs more to hire armed security guards than it does unarmed ones. If cost is an issue for you, hiring unarmed guards may be the better choice for your business.
  • On the other hand, armed security may not be necessary for certain environments. For example, if you operate a high-end retail store filled with expensive merchandise, investing in armed security officers may make sense. However, if your business is located in a relatively safe area and you don’t have any particularly valuable items on-site, an unarmed security guard may be all you need.
  • Some businesses also choose to use unarmed security officers when they’re looking for someone to act as a greeter or customer service representative. This approach could be worthwhile if you run a retail store or another enterprise that relies heavily on customer interactions.
  • Consider your legal obligations as well. If you’re thinking about hiring an armed guard, you need to know what it entails. You’ll have to visit the local police station and apply for a firearms license on behalf of the security officer. The license will be in their name, but it’s your company that is ultimately responsible for their actions. If you hire an unarmed guard, there’s no need to worry about this step.
  • Check insurance policies. Insurance premiums are based on the level of risk involved, so if your business hires an armed security officer, then you can expect your liability insurance premiums to increase. Make sure that the Direct Guard Services benefits justify the cost. Also, keep in mind that many companies won’t offer liability coverage for armed guards because it’s too risky for them (and because there’s not much demand).
  • Ensure that any gun-carrying officers receive training from a certified instructor and maintain their licenses with regular qualification sessions at a firing range.
  • However, while they won’t be packing heat, unarmed security guards can still effectively deter crime and keep your business safe. They’ll likely have some form of self-defense training to protect themselves and others in case of emergency. They may also wear uniforms or badges so customers know who they are and can easily identify them should something go wrong.

Bottom Line

If you decide to hire a security guard for your business, you have the option of hiring either armed or unarmed guards. But which is better? Which should you choose? The answer isn’t always clear-cut. Depending on the specific needs of your business and the type of security it requires, you could benefit from choosing one or both.

A Career in Security – 5 Things You Need to Know

The security industry is growing rapidly, with almost 4 million workers across a range of disciplines. If you’re thinking about a career in security, you’ll be joining a wide range of people in roles that vary from physical to technical.

Here are five things you need to know if you’re thinking about a career in security:

Get the Right Training and Licensing

Security Guards need specific training and licensing to do their job well. In the UK, all security guards must meet the minimum requirements set by the Security Industry Authority (SIA), which includes having an SIA license. To get your SIA license, you must pass an exam and complete any necessary training courses. This ensures that all security professionals are equipped with the knowledge they need to provide adequate protection and security for their clients.

Know What Type of Security You Want to Provide

There are various types of security services that you can provide as part of your career in security. You must decide what area you want to focus on before moving forward with your plans. For example, if you want to work for a home security company in London, you should focus on getting experience in that field specifically, not just general experience as a security guard.

It’s more than just guarding

Physical security roles are at the forefront of most people’s minds when they think about careers in security. But there’s much more on offer than traditional guarding jobs.

Security companies work with businesses and individuals to protect their premises and property, staff and customers, and data and information. There are opportunities for all kinds of skillsets, from the physical protection of assets to IT support and cyber security.

A career in security is not for the faint-hearted

It is not for people with a faint heart or those afraid of heights! One of the most common roles is that of a security guard. This can range from working in corporate offices, shopping centers, or banks to protecting construction sites, nightclubs, or even major sporting events.

You can get trained on the job

You don’t need qualifications to start working in security. All you need is a valid license, and then it’s up to each company or client how they want to train you. You could get work-based training or additional courses in specialist areas like conflict management or first aid.

There are different routes into security

You could have worked as a police officer or military personnel, but if not, there are other ways of breaking into the industry, but here is what you should know before that.

What skills do I need?

You need to have certain basic and common skills if you want to work in this industry. For instance, you should be able to communicate effectively with others. You should also have good observational skills, assess situations, and respond appropriately. Another important skill is having the ability to follow instructions accurately and efficiently.

What types of jobs can I get?

As mentioned earlier, there are different types of jobs available within the field of security, and they differ depending on your qualifications and experience. For instance, you may work as a security guard at an airport or school, an armed officer at a bank, an alarm monitoring specialist or quality assurance supervisor, etc. The possibilities are endless!

Some helpful facts you should know

Security guards earn good pay

Security guards make more than minimum wage, and the average income for a guard in Canada is about $27,000 per year. Some security jobs pay much more than that, depending on where you work and how much experience you have. The average salary for a guard working at a hospital or university is around $40,000 per year.

Security Officers are not law enforcement officers

You need to understand that security officers are not law enforcement officers. They have no power of arrest and cannot issue fines or tickets. Their role is to observe, report, and respond accordingly to incidents.

Security Officers must be licensed

All security officers must be licensed and must also undergo training and pass the training and assessment requirements for licensing security providers and guards.

It’s a Competitive Field

The security industry is hot right now. Everyone wants to hire security people, but no one can find them. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 20% growth rate for security analysts between 2018 and 2028, much faster than the national average for all occupations.

Bottom Line

We would say that your character is what matters the most in the end. Be honest, as this will help you get good security-related jobs in the future. You must put your best in all you do because your past returns to haunt you. Always upgrade your skills to offer the best security services. Commitment and Dedication are important aspects of any job, but they can take you far in this career.

A career as a Security specialist has a lot to offer and is one of the most rewarding jobs available. How to take the first steps, though? If you’re thinking of embarking on a career in this field, this information will help you a lot.

Executive Protection Service – Is this for You?

What is executive security?

Executive security (aka. close protection) refers to the private security services the security guards offer to the executive persons and their families. This protection is because they are exposed to security threats and major risks. In simple words, executive security guards are the ones that appear in all black and protect the administrative persons whenever and wherever they go. Executive security services are comparable with bodyguard services. Yet, they are more efficient.

Executive security creates a compact circle around the person, monitors every move, and maintains a lookout for danger. The executive security officers decide with whom the administrative person should meet and when (after going through the background check).

Who needs executive security?

You are not alone if you believe only executive individuals or celebrities can have administrative security. To be particular, anyone who is at risk of security due to their standing, net worth, popularity, or employment can have executive protection. This definition expands the entry of people who are the picture-perfect match to have executive security. Following ones can have executive security services;

  • CEOs
  • Wealthy individuals
  • Musicians or performers
  • TV persons
  • Political figures
  • Professional athletes
  • Celebrities
  • Government executive
  • Dignitaries
  • Very Important People

Is executive security for you?

After knowing that there is no restriction to have executive security, the next question arises, can you have administrative security services? To conclude this, you have to ask yourself the following questions;

1.     What’s your net worth?

Rich profiles are like cakes with cherries on the top to loot. If you have a high net worth, you need to protect yourself and your family by hiring executive security services. Wherever you go and whoever you meet, have administrative security to lessen the security risks.

2.     How often do you travel?

Wherever you go to do business, security risks will along. In short, no part of the world is safe anymore. Whether you travel to Dubai or Chicago to trade business, have executive security to have a safe business trip.

3.     Are you a public persona?

This factor will clear the scenario of whether you should hire executive security or not. If your involvement in public meet-ups is frequent, you might need administrative security. Also, if you have a strong social media presence, you surely need executive protection.

4.     How wide is your fan following?

Every third person has a social media presence in today’s digital time, but not each has a wide fan following. If you have, bingo! Of course, your fans and antis will follow you wherever you go. Have executive protection along to avoid harassment and attacks.

5.     Do you have any government secrets?

Some people are far behind the social world, don’t travel much, and have a less public appearance. Still, they necessitate corporate protection as they have some top secrets. To prevent security threats and leaking information, hire executive security.

6.     Is anyone from your family an executive person?

As discussed earlier, even the family members of executive persons are not safe from security threats. Criminals use the family members as a medium to blackmail them. Have executive protection to prevent such incidents and scandals.

7.     Are you an employee of a top-line organization?

Tell us about your employment. Are you working under a top-line organization? If yes, then have executive protection to avoid scandals about your career and organization.

When to have executive protection?

Being a public figure, you are under security threats 24/7. Your protection is a concern all the time, especially when you are in a public place or traveling to unsafe regions.

The moment you feel things are not safe anymore, security threats are increasing, with every passing minute, hire executive protection services right away.

Hire the best executive security services in the town. Having well-trained security gives confidence and assurance that you are safe and can focus on your work.

The trends of security are changing with the advancement. Always hire Security Services based on your needs. We hope the myth that only executive individuals can have executive security services is clear now.

Remember, anyone under security threats due to net worth, persona, employment, or status can have executive security services. Stay tuned for more content!

Security Guards – Does Size Really Matter?


In this article, we discuss about security guards and whether or not size really matters or not. That is, in case, you need just 1 or 2 security professionals or an entire team of security guard professionals for your business or firm. You may have seen how well-armed and equipped security guards are when the media shows you on television. They can be with politicians, actors or even a group of sports players. You check by advertising and screening CV’s by age, height, weight, Body Mass Index (BMI) and so on and so forth. You also realize some potential candidates, but then you begin to ponder that do you really need all of this for the success and safety of a business.

There are many points to consider when hiring security guards :

  • You may have to give size a thought as it is an important factor when busy giving armed guards to hotels and nightclubs. There will also be the question of feeling safe and secure by people, especially after violent outbursts and terrorist attacks. Therefore, security guards in this case, are mandatory and an absolute necessity to have. The guards do not need to be in bulk which now brings us to the question of the skills set of the security guards.


  • There are only 2 kinds of skills. One is a mental skill, and the other is a physical skill. For your client and their need for a specific security guard, the physical skill set would have to be the guards being physically fit and being able to run and swim and reach heights, respectively. The security guards need to protect themselves and others around them from violent attacks and mishaps. They can also be armed and be trained and have some martial arts experience. The other is mental skill which is more important than physical skill surprisingly. The security guards should not be short-tempered and can calm down a situation by just word of mouth. This type of skill is essential and can change a catastrophic situation in just minutes.


  • The 3rd point is professionalism. This is highly regarded as the security guard represents the company and the business. If the guard is not professional and is short-tempered, violent, vigilant, unpleasant aggressive or rude, you can forget about bringing more business from the client.


  • The next point is training – you need to make sure that the security guard is well trained in terms of training. SIA license or some form of security license is required, which does not have many requirements except minimum age requirements that states that the person needs to be 18 years and older and proof identity is required from that individual.


  • The 5th point is communication – there are 3 modes of communication that the security guard is required to interact with efficiently:
  1. Client
  2. Public
  3. YOU

Some people think size matters, and some don’t. It mainly depends upon the size of your business and its capacity. Security guards need to be physically fit and be mentally active and required in the field of security.

The security guards need to make sure they are alert and focused at all times to stop any suspicious activity from occurring. Also, as the employer, you need to make sure to keep the security team happy by providing them with good salaries and making sure their grievances are met. If the guards are satisfied with you and the payroll, they’re on, they will most likely be sticking around for a more extended period of time. This relationship between employer and employee is vital and should always be considered and not taken lightly.

Plus, the security guards need to be good communicators and interact with people on the premises, who are drunk, aggressive, and especially those robbing or stealing.


The role of a security guard is overwhelming and, at times, challenging too. There is always room for danger, which is one reason why guards need to be focused and active at all times. But, as we all know, safety comes first, so with the proper training provided to the Security Guards as well as some form of license like SIA License together with a positive attitude, your business or company will be safe at hand.

So now, as we have covered most of the part, the big and important question is that does size really matter? The answer is NO. The security guard’s physical appearance does not compromise their skills and training at any cost. There are some instances where a business or a client will want a security guard who is big and tall. Even so, this particular job and its responsibilities make training mandatory.

How Much Important Is A Security Guard For A Company?

Security guards have become a necessity for a number of reasons. They aid in the security of businesses, schools, banks, and other important locations. A security guard patrols the property, monitors surveillance equipment inspects buildings, equipment, and access points, and grants admission to authorized persons. By being alert, they get help at the first sign of danger. Reporting irregularities, notifying policy and procedure violators, and restraining trespassers from preventing losses and damage are all part of a regular day of a security guard.

Want to know about this honorable profession? Let you know why and how security guards of Direct Guard have become so important in today’s community, especially in organizations big or small.

Firms Where Security Guards Are Needed

Security guards have a wide variety of expertise and obligations, depending on the interests of the client, but their primary duty is to prevent and deter crime, as well as to enforce the rules and regulations in the area they are protecting. Here are some examples of firms where the need for Direct Guard Security personals is evident.


To construct a security network and maintain the level of protection, security personnel should station themselves at the school’s surrounding lookout points and across the campus. The activities of students should be monitored by authorized personnel. It’s best to have a security guard routinely patrol the dormitory for maximum protection.

Financial Institutions like Banks

As robbery has one of the highest crime rates in the world, there have already been other bank robberies in other sections of the country. Banks have historically been the target of robbery and are required to install security across the facility. This is why security guards play such a crucial role in keeping everyone safe in the institution and preventing potential injury and misconduct.


As the hospital security officers, they are responsible for ensuring the safety of all hospital staff, patients, and visitors, along with protecting all hospital property. Their responsibilities include patrolling the building and grounds, keeping an eye on all activities inside and outside the hospital, and attempting to prevent vandalism, theft, fire, and other disturbances.

Movie Theaters

In movie theaters, guards can keep a close eye on the crowd and ensure that no one is bringing any weapons or potentially harmful things. They are equipped with advanced equipment and have the authority to detain anyone who is not following the regulations of the establishment. The theater’s crew may focus on their work while the guards are on duty.


During court proceedings, Court Security Officers maintain the courtroom safe and orderly. It is their responsibility to remove disgruntled people from the courtroom as required. They also strive to protect the Judge’s chambers and prevent unauthorized visitors from entering.

Government Buildings

Museums, railway stations, license offices, and other government buildings need exceptional security services like the one from Direct Guard Service. These are places where a large number of people gather. Criminals may be present and may cause a commotion, sometimes for no apparent reason. As a result, individuals may retaliate aggressively. Hence, having security guards on site comes in handy whether to protect people or property.

Construction Sites

The site security guard keeps track of all vehicles and visits to the construction site, logs all deliveries and going in and out, and leads visitors to the construction office while securing the entrance during non-operational hours.

Bars and Pubs

The security personnel’s role in a bar is to make sure that patrons are safe while they are on the premises. The liquor and bar admission laws of the place in which they op

erate are also enforced by the pub’s security staff.

How Do They Protect and Serve?

Above were only a few examples of organizations that need their information, people, and properties to be protected. When looking to maintain law and order, there’s no better choice than Direct Guard Service. Let us explain how your loved ones and valuable belongings are provided with the ultimate security. The value of well-trained security guard teams cannot be overstated; they provide the following services to organizations.

Serve as a noticeable warning to criminal activity

Offenders are likely to think twice before committing crimes such as stealing, vandalism, or physical assault when a security guard is present. Having a security guard on duty will deter would-be burglars, muggers, and shoplifters from attempting to harm people or property.

Detecting questionable activity

Criminals may be at work performing their duty while your workers are at work doing theirs. Usually, businesses profit enormously from having a committed crew keeping an eye on things and spotting unusual or suspicious activity. Employees cannot be expected to detect whenever something doesn’t seem right. Security guards have the skill and the required training to recognize when a scent, sound, or sight is out of the regular and requires careful attention.

Getting in touch with the authorities and interacting with them

In the unfortunate event of an emergency, security guards serve as a qualified resource and point of contact for authorities. Security guards are trained to keep an eye on and collect data that firefighters and law enforcement officers need to do their jobs. Security personnel works with business owners, police, and fire departments.

Access to properties is being supervised

One of the major risks to businesses is a security breach on their property. Hospitals, construction sites, schools, and other high-profile organizations understand the value of vigilant entrance and exit monitoring. Security guards may check visitors’, merchants’, and workers’ credentials and keep logs.

In emergency circumstances, taking action

Security guards are extremely competent as they have the necessary skills and training to deal with any emergency that may arise. With dedicated, vigilant eyes, security officers are frequently the first to learn of a security concern and the first to respond.

They are capable of assisting with evacuations and other major security incidents. The protection of people is an important aspect of the security guard’s work. A security guard accomplishes this in a variety of methods, including patrolling the area and identifying potential safety issues, as well as preventing criminals from entering the facility.

Direct Guard Service is the state of California’s leading security guard service provider. All of California’s major sectors, including Los Angeles, Orange County, San Bernardino, Riverside County, San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco, Fresno, Ventura, and Sacramento, are served by our security and event protection services.

Direct Guard has spent a significant amount of time and money developing and maintaining our Quality Assured Management methods, and we use these learned efficiencies to help our clients succeed. Our clients have been provided with facilities like the ability to call a live person day or night, seven days a week with any questions or issues they may have, knowing that their requirements will be met promptly, demonstrating that Direct Guard is the Right Choice for all kinds of security services. Without any further delays, book for our service and live life without any fear.


Importance of a security guard for a company.

Security guard company is included in the essential personnel of a workforce. They are essential for the safety of people, places, and things. Especially in commercial sectors, they help create a peaceful environment. Given the right resources and equipment, they protect your property, employees, and clients. Let us discuss the importance of a security guard for a business company.

Deterrence of crime:

A safe and healthy work environment is created by the presence of a security guard. If a security guard is present, the criminals and troublemakers would think a hundred times before trying to create any trouble due to the risk of being detected. Simply having a visible security guard would cause deterrence of crime at your company and will make it a safe and work-friendly space. Security guards are better trained to look out for suspicious activity and act accordingly. Also, a security guard is a better deterrent to criminals than a CCTV camera or any other monitoring system.

Sense of security:

Having a security guard at your company premises will create a sense of security among the employees as well as the clients. With the presence of high standard security in the building, your employees would be more productive without having to worry about their security. The presence of a security guard company will also give your company a more professional look that would make the customers and clients trust your company. It lets the customer know that you are concerned about the safety of your employees as well as the customers.

Surveillance and monitoring:

Security guards’ duties are not restricted only to the patrolling of the business area. They can also perform other important jobs most importantly the surveillance and monitoring duties. They can be stationed to monitor the CCTV footage, check the contraband, or restrict access to some areas. They can also have specific duties like looking out for shoplifters. The presence of such security guards not only prevents loss but also takes a lot of burden off the shoulders of owners and employees.

Handling the crime:

Security guards are professionally trained officers. They receive years of different levels of training to be able to respond to crime. They are observant and vigilant. They are ready to handle any kind of trouble or criminal attempt on your company’s premises. They may detain the suspects themselves or contact the police or higher authorities to take them away. It is the company’s choice whether they need the services of armed or unarmed security officers. Although companies containing valuable assets like banks, jewelry shops, and industries should have armed security guards to deal with any serious security threat.

Better customer service:

Having a security guard in your company can also help you in providing good customer service. Security guards can also become the ambassador of your business. not only do they give your company a professional look, but they also can help your customer in many ways. Most of the security guards are stationed at the entrance of the building and might have to interact with many clients and customers. Security guards can also help the clients to locate certain products or departments. They can also escort them in and out of the company premises and hence contributing to good customer service.

Organizations that require security guards:

The importance of a good security guard for any type of company or industry cannot be stated enough. Every business and company can virtually benefit from the presence of a security guard. This is true for any type of industry be it sports, medical, entertainment, or finance. However, some industries might not even survive without the presence of security guards. these include:

  • Hospitals:

Security guards are a must at a hospital especially because all types of people come and go there and they are often in emotional distress and vulnerable to cause any trouble.

  • Banks and financial institutions:

Organizations like banks and stock exchange agencies that deal with huge amounts of money and valuable assets are always vulnerable to theft and burglary. Security must be present to protect such institutions.

  • Courtrooms and precincts:

Security guards must also be present at courtrooms and police precincts, where all kinds of criminals are presented or held so that they might not harm anybody near them in any way.



In this article, we have asserted the importance of security guards for a company. Not only do they protect the assets of the company but they also help create its positive image. To hire the most professional security guards for your company, contact the Direct guard services.

5 Qualities every security guard should have

Regardless of whether they work at a shopping center or place of business, a security guard has a vital task to take care of. They have the obligation of being watchful and ensuring their demographic. All Security Guards need to practice alert and recruit individuals who are adult and reliable. It is critical for a security firm to enlist and appropriately prepare the ideal individual to make it happen. The following are five ascribes of an extraordinary security officer. For the security officer, the degree of communication with general society requires specific credits. Every security guard should have these significant characteristics to guarantee they are doing their job.

Problem-solving skills

Every security guard of Los Angeles should be trained to analyze the problem and already know the answer to it security guards should be vigilant in terms of problem-solving. They should be detail-oriented and know how to communicate with the customer. Security guards should be the ones to catch rapidly any problem or any unusual situation or risk and they should be prepared to deal with it right away. This attribute requires responsibility and proactiveness which every security guard should have


Every security guard should always be alert and aware of their surroundings. All good security guards know their surroundings like the back of their hands which helps them in keeping a check on the unusual activities taking place. It is crucial for all security guards to stay as much alert and active as possible so that they can have a hawk’s vision for all the things happening and so that they don’t miss anything important.


A decent security officer should be straightforward. They are liable for tying down admittance to structures and ensuring a business against burglary and different wrongdoings. Suppose a security officer isn’t straightforward, he may take or put the organization in danger. That is the reason it is so significant for security organizations to do intensive individual verifications on their security officers to ensure that they don’t have any criminal history or exploitative action. To ensure the safety of people a security officer should be honest with himself and his job

Physical Fitness

Another most important quality of a security officer is that they are fit. Private security companies work on the fitness of their security guards so that they stay active throughout their job hours and perform their duties with the most efficiency.

Good Communication Skills

A good Security Guard knows how to impart adequately both verbally and in their composing abilities. Clear, affable communication can be the main consideration in taking care of a precarious circumstance viably. Good communication additionally permits the security official to painstakingly and precisely record every single occurrence of significance, just as the situation with the office at the end of their shift. Communication skills will also help them understand different problems and situations so that they can help people accordingly. As the safety and protection of people is the job of a security guard it is important for them to communicate with those people in a good way.

10 Tips for Armed Security Guards Riverside to Keep Parking Lot Safer

Being armed security guards riverside, you want to make your surroundings sound safe, be it inside or outside. Maintaining safety inside the business still sounds simple, but it is never the same in the parking area. Want to know some tips to make the parking lot safer?

Below mentioned are the top 10 tips that will surely help you make the parking lot safer.

1.     Add lighting

Customers often complain about the difficulty they face while parking the cars in the dark. To make the parking lot safer, install lighting in every corner. Add eco-friendly, bright, and less glaring lights.

2.     Control traffic flow

Never let customers park the car messily and break the rules and regulations of the parking lot. The armed security guards riverside should control the traffic flow with adequate tools.

3.     Install cart corrals

This point is beneficial for supermarts or retail stores. Customers usually leave the shopping carts abundant in the parking lots, which act as obstacles for others. Install cart corrals and guide each customer to drop the shopping there; those who don’t, fine charges on them.

4.     Add pedestrian walkways

After parking the car, don’t let the customer walk across the car or jump over the bollards. Add pedestrian walkways for a proper walk without facing injuries. The walkway should be separate from the parking way.

5.     Install video monitoring

Even after giving 100%, there is room for improvement. Install video monitoring to cover the missing elements. Having this element will help the parking lot security guards to keep an eye even when they aren’t present there.

6.     24/7 patrolling

24/7 patrolling is crucial for the parking lot security guards. Robbers are hiding under or behind the cars waiting for the golden chances to break the car. 24/7 patrolling will eliminate the chances of robbery and keep the parking lot safe.

7.     Keep a record of who is coming and exiting

Maintain a visiting list of the customers. It helps in keeping a record if any mishap happens. Having a visiting list will save innocents from allegations and catch the guilty.

8.     Keep visitors away

Don’t let visitors gather around cars or cart corrals. Might be possible for some of them to go aggressive and damage the property. Allow only those whose name is in the entry list.

9.     Post rules and regulations suggestions

You aren’t present at every corner of the parking lot. At your back, some visitors might act unprofessionally, as they don’t know the rules. Post rules suggestions posts to inform them about the rules.

10.Control violent crimes

Depending on the location, some parking lots are under security threats, and parking lot security guards need to act smart. For instance, there are high chances of robberies, murders, and sexual harassment in casinos’ parking lots. Act attentive to prevent those crimes.

With the implementation of these tips, armed security guards riverside can make the parking lot safer than ever.