Common Threats Tackled by Security Guards

Common Threats depending on the site they are guarding, security guards have to tackle numerous threats and menaces while on their duty. It is not always easy and sometimes they have to put their own lives at stake. But it is also said that no job is easy or tough. It all depends on the way you do it and in the end, on your determination. The same is true for security guards. Be it a public space or a private property, it is vulnerable to some common threats a security guard, while on the job has to tackle

This article converges on the duties performed by a security guard in general and in particular what common threats are tackled by a security guard which ensures the safety and security of goods as well as people.

Deterring Breaches

Almost all businesses and public properties are vulnerable to breaking. Crimes such as burglary, theft, and breaking-ins, can simply be controlled if competent security guards are guarding the place. They could be a massive hindrance to such crimes and can save the business from any such misfortune.

  • Dealing with Intoxicated People

Most spaces are guarded by security guards, keeping those people off the property who are not supposed to be there. Most of the time these intruders are intoxicated people who are not aware of what they are doing. These intoxicated people sometimes are armed as well, putting the lives of many people in danger. It becomes very difficult for a security guard to handle such people as they don’t quite understand what they are spoken to them. It is the job of a security guard to tackle such people tactfully so as they do not end up damaging the property or putting the lives of people in danger.

  • Watching out for Malicious Acts of Vandalism

Even though malicious acts of hooliganism are not as bad of a crime as burglary or theft but still they can cost a fortune to the property owners. Such willful acts of vandalism can easily be curbed by effective security guards who are patrolling the premises 24/7.

  • Stopping Shoplifting and Theft

Businesses such as shopping malls and stores are usually prone to shoplifting and theft. Such petty crimes can hurt businesses, especially small businesses. That’s why effective security personnel can easily inhibit such crimes, while on the lookout for those people who shoplift and steal.

  • Curbing Assaults and Violence

More often than not working places residential areas and malls are susceptible to assaults and violence. It is the job of security guards to recognize such threats and effectively handle them as well.  Assaults and violence are tricky to handle and they might put the lives of people and security guards, in jeopardy. That is why it needs to be tackled with great care and with instant on-the-spot appropriate decisions.

  • Looking-out for Acts of Terrorism

Terrorism as a security threat is one of the most common and also one of the most difficult to tackle as well. As the acts of terrorism are getting common day by day, so is the need for curbing it tactfully. Security guards should be trained on such issues as what to do when it comes to terrorism. Because a little care on the behalf of security guards can save lives of people and also can prevent damages to the property that might happen in the likelihood of an act of terrorism.


The job of a Security Guard can be tough sometimes and it might get boring oftentimes as they have to stand on a site for hours on end. It can be risky as they have to deal with criminals and sometimes people, in general, can be a nuisance as well. Personal security guards of celebrities and famous personalities often have to deal with crazy fans and admirers making the job of the security guards a living hell.

In conclusion, security guards play an important role by curbing and tackling down different threats and crimes, from shoplifting to countering terrorism, making them indispensable for businesses and public spaces. That is why almost all public spaces and businesses should hire competent and reliable security guards to protect themselves from all the above-mentioned threats and crimes.

6 Helpful Tips to Improve Your Security Guard Service

Nowadays, security guard services are essential for businesses that want to keep their employees and properties safe.

Indeed, some security guards are not very observant, but you can improve your security service by a significant margin if you pay attention.

In this article, we’re going to share with you six helpful tips to improve your security guard service:

Have a written plan

This is one of the most important steps to improve your security guard service. You have to create a plan in which you will state the responsibilities and duties of your security guards. In addition, you need to include information such as what they should do when faced with certain situations and how they should communicate with the police.

Improve Your Security Guards Communication Skills

The first step in improving your security guards is to improve their communication skills. The more they can communicate effectively with others within their jurisdiction, the better they will be able to stop criminal activities from taking place or react quickly once they do take place. In addition, the ability of your guards to communicate well can help them build good relationships with other members of the organization or business where they work. This can make them feel more secure because they can trust that those around them are trustworthy and capable of protecting them if necessary.

Give Better Training

It is no secret that training is one of the essential things to improve any service. If you want to improve your security guard service, you should look at ways to train your guards even better than they are now.

Train Your Guards for Better Performance. Security guards should receive adequate training to perform their job duties properly. Some states require a certain amount of training before being licensed as a security guard. Most firms provide additional training on top of what is required by law. This training includes such things as how to write reports, deal with difficult people and conduct investigations. Additional training may be provided in specific areas such as private investigating or working in schools.

For your guards to be prepared for any situation, they are recommended to take part in defense training programs. This way, they will learn how to defend themselves, deal with different types of situations, and even use weapons. Often, these training programs are offered by companies that provide security guard services. So, make sure you ask about this before hiring their services.

It is essential to train your team properly so that they can do their job effectively and provide a professional service to your clients. Your team must be well trained to effectively handle any situation that may arise during the process of providing security services. You should ensure that your guards can handle any type of situation, including challenging cases such as robberies, accidents and other criminal activities.

Make Sure Guards Are Properly Equipped

Security guards should have all of the equipment they need to complete their job duties correctly. This includes having a uniform that fits appropriately, proper footwear, and any weapons required to perform their jobs, such as batons, handcuffs, or pepper spray. Guards should also have a notebook, pen, and flashlight if necessary.

Use video surveillance

Modern video surveillance equipment has made it easier for security guards to perform their tasks efficiently. If you want to improve your business, invest in modern video surveillance equipment like CCTV cameras and live stream feeds that your guards can monitor remotely via smartphones or tablets. You can also use infrared cameras, which offer better quality images night or inside buildings.

Bottom Line

Security guard service is necessary for several businesses and organizations. Security guards may be needed to keep an eye on the premises, patrol the grounds, monitor alarms or watch surveillance cameras. Security guard services are often hired for special events or temporary projects.

With these tips at hand, you can choose the best security service and improve them gradually to perfection.

Security Company and Its Role

Security services as the name itself suggest are essential for the safety and protection of people in public places such as residential areas, schools, workplaces, market places, shopping malls, etc. They are required to be present in these areas in order to keep things in place and most importantly, secure. It is possible to think security service officials are the same as police officers as they are both important for the safety of the community, however, it is necessary to understand the fine line between the two of them.

The major difference between the two is that security guards are responsible to keep unwanted activity from happening; from violence, vandalism, robbery, theft to any sort of danger when on the other hand, police officers intervene when all of the mentioned incidents have already happened. Security services unlike police officers are not to respond to criminal threats until law enforcement is present. Since they are present to avoid any criminal activity from happening in the first place, criminals will avoid targeting an area as secure with such an active force. It is important to note that if a situation is unavoidable and gets out of hand, the security service guards are in fact, trained well enough to tackle the situation until the police forces arrive on the spot.

It may still be confusing to differentiate the role of a security service but as you read further, it will become much easier to understand. Following are the basic roles fulfilled by a security service which will clear enough how they play such an integral part in the safety of a community.


A Security Service guard should be

  • Visible and Vigilant

A very main yet simple responsibility of a security guard is to just be visible which is all that is needed to avoid illegal activity from occurring. A security guard could either be one making rounds in a public space, keeping a watch on the CCTV cameras, guarding the gates of an entrance or checkpoints of a certain area, asking for people’s IDs before they enter an event, or a particular building.

For them to be vigilant is enough for the criminals to stay away from a secured area so there is less or no chance at all of, burglary, robbery, theft, vandalism, or any serious crime.

Why visibility and vigilance go hand in hand is because even if the security guards are present but still not performing their job accordingly, criminals can make them easy and be able to commit crimes. To be a resourceful security guard means to be able to stay put, see, hear, stay calculated, and always remain ready in case of any unwanted activity. They should be able to notice suspicious actions if there is any leakage of gasoline, the occurrence of unusual sounds, and any possible risks that can cause damage.

  • Reflexive and Responsive

A security service official should have the ability to respond deliberately in case of any unusual activity and should have good reflexes to combat it. Even if a situation is not as serious to requires immediate action, the security guards should be able to make sure they are well calculated and always ready. They should be so skilled and polished that any unwanted situation can dissolve on its own because their presence is so strict, or it cannot even happen in the first place because of how attentive the security guards are required to be.

Being able to ease things out before situations get out of hand and just coincidentally be walking by somewhere at the right time to avoid a serious situation are all the more things, they should be good at to protect a community from becoming targets of unwanted activity.

What makes their job very demanding is that they are required to be alerted 24/7 even if they seem to have everything under their control or have diffused a situation. There is still high risk right after things move back to normal and so the guards need to make sure of any potential threats. They are made to follow the rules accordingly and who to report or involve depending upon how bad the situation is. After a disturbing situation, they are required to let owners, managers, etc. of a place targeted know and guide them what measures to take to be able to avoid a situation as such from happening again.

They should be so efficient to know when to call an emergency, law enforcement, or the police during the handling of a difficult situation. A situation that can be handled by their own doesn’t need the assistance of the police or any other force however if there is serious damage and weapons involved, the security service should be quick enough to realize the complexity of a situation and immediately call law enforcement to avoid private properties and lives of people getting damages and the police to help with tackling the situation.

  • Able to Monitor and Maintain order in a respective area

Crimes and breaches don’t occur daily but it is very important to not take peaceful days for granted and make sure areas are still looked after and made sure they are secure. People returning to homes after busy days expect peace and calm, when they go to work, they expect to not get distracted or when they are out for some time off, they deserve to have a good time and be safe in the public spaces. The security guard officials are to make sure all things around are under control and protected. Their management sets out ground rules for them that they are required to follow for example, in a workplace, they should know if all people working in the office belong.

They do this by checking their IDs issued by the very workplace. In case of any visitors in the workplace, they make sure why they are there, who called them or if they have a specific appointment. Public events such as business meetings, fundraisers, weddings, parties, conferences, celebrations, or any sorts of gatherings can include hundreds or even thousands of people at times that deserve to be monitored and kept secure. Usually, large-scale public gatherings require a team of security officials. The security service guards are required to maintain order by checking passes if any and prevent any chaos from occurring right from the start as they are used to tackling difficult situations and identifying risks that can have longlasting effects. 


Other Roles and Responsibilities

Businesses, managers, people that hire security service guards should be guided by the officials on how to handle troubling situations on their own as well depending on how much they can. They should provide safety instructions to the staff on how to react when there is an intruder with weapons and how to evacuate a building, area in case of a fire breaking out or gas leaking. The security services should advise their employers when is the best time to call out for an emergency and to never wait out if they sense any unusual activity. They have to make sure to remind their employers in a lighter tone about past experiences if any and communicate what could go wrong. Reassurance is very important to erase fears and provide confidence to the people. The security service guards need to make sure to convey to the people to cooperate when it comes to displaying their IDs when asked and visitors to register themselves when asked to avoid any possible security risk.

The security services are not just required to be on foot during busy times but also when they are over. Places like offices, warehouses, factories, schools, residential areas, shopping malls, require to be kept an eye on even after busy hours, all through the night and the guards should make sure no unusual activity takes place when all of the mentioned areas are left empty.

Why the Security services matter and are an integral part of the community

The security service guards are not just there to be on the front lines to keep you safe but they belong in the community as a family. The effort these security guards put in to assist the working-place staff, clients, and any regular individuals are unfathomable. They deserve the recognition and realization that they matter in the community. You can only give them back by cooperating with them.

Know what makes them different from the police officers, how they are present at your service at most times and understand their vitality to the community you belong to, and know that your safety is because of them.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]