The Top 9 Security Issues in Orange County Hotels

It can be a tricky deal to navigate through. As a hotel owner, you have to deal with so many security issues, you have so many people whose safety rests in your hands. You have your employee within the hotel, employees on the outskirts, and your customers. There are different types of customers that come in, they could be bachelors, families, and people coming in from different occupational backgrounds. You will even have high-profile customers like celebrities, politicians, government officials, and other such public figures. The safety of their livelihoods rests in your hands, and so you want to make sure that you are vigilant in this matter.

Incidents that might lead to people questioning your safety and security measures will lead to your brand name being tarnished. If a hotel cannot provide comfort and protection to its customers then it cannot be trusted at all. This will lead to a hit on your sales, and it goes downhill from there. This is why it is important hotels invest in security services, Orange County.

Security Company Orange County offers high-quality services in terms of manpower and security technology. This will not only help in preventing these incidents from occurring but they will also let you do a thorough investigation, in case any security threatening incident occurs. It will show your guests that you are really considering their safety in your mind, which helps your brand even further. So many hotels in Orange County get flooded with tourists every single year, and so it is paramount that you as a hotel owner make sure that all of your security measures in order.

Orange County witnessed a massive influx of tourists almost every year. Tourism makes up a significant chunk of Orange County’s economy, especially Anaheim being its main tourist hub. The world-renowned Disneyland, of Disneyland Resort, resides in Anaheim which sees approximately over 1 million visits per year. Orange County’sKnotts Berry Farm also receives around 7 million visitors each year and is situated in the city of Buena Park. The Anaheim Convention Center which holds several major conventions every year is also one of Orange County’s main tourist areas. There are also resorts within the beach cities that see a lot of customers coming due to their proximity to the beach.

It is not difficult to conjecture that Orange County sees many tourists every year, who would reside in hotels while they are going around the county. You want to make sure that your security is top-notch, however many hotels are not mindful of that and can run into several security issues, that can turn fatal pretty quickly. It is best that when you are looking to hire sources to keep safety issues at bay, you consult a professional security company, Orange County. This is because security companies are known to professionally train their security guards in order to make sure that they have all the security aspects covered. They will also provide them with a lot of security equipment that will help them further inefficiently protecting the livelihood of your guests. This is why we highly suggest that you opt for a security guard company so that they can have you covered from all bases. Security guard services Orange County will provide you with different assortments of security guards such as armed security guards, unarmed security guards, fire watch guards, event security, and vehicle patrol security guards to match your every security-related requirement.

Security Issues

However, many companies refuse to strategize on their security measures, which can lead to the following security issues:


This is one of the most obvious challenges any hotel would face. Guests would typically bring several of their personal, and valuable belongings when staying in a hotel. This makes safekeeping of their value a valid concern because breaking into rooms and pickpocketing can be common problems if the hotel does not take proper precautions. It is an important and standard procedure in this day and age that every single hotel out there offers a secured storage system to allow the guests to store their valuables. This does not eradicate the problem but does give off a sense of responsibility from the hotel to the staying guests.


There are instances where there are cases of missing valuable, and innocent people can get blamed. Sometimes, you might get customers that might wrongfully place the blame on the staff if an important belonging goes missing. Proper procedures and technology will help ascertain the actuality of the whole situation before it gets blown out of proportion. The hotel can look through CCTV cameras, and other sources to not only find the missing item but also the culprit.

Parking Lot

One of the most vulnerable areas for any hotel and its customers is the parking lot. The criminals often tend to look at tourists as an easy target for looting because they would definitely be carrying wads of cash and other jewelry items with them. If your hotel has onsite parking then there is a high chance the criminals might carry out robberies especially since the customers tend to leave their cars unattended for long periods of time. You can strategically place security guards and CCTV cameras which will help you reduce the risk of any such incidents happening. Surely the car that has been parked is not your responsibility, and so if it is stolen it shouldn’t be on you to help recover it, but it is inside your hotel you do have to make sure that you have the right security measures in place. You can station armed guards, because bigger thefts can occur here, and in greater instances. This will help you curb them.

Restricted Areas

Restricted areas are sensitive places where thefts and robberies can occur. A restricted area is a location of the hotel that only certain people/persons can access. However, it is important that you install armed security guards here because these areas could hold sensitive items or information. Whether someone gains access on purpose or by accident, your guards will need to keep an eye on that. Customers or their guests should not be able to access restricted areas, other than employees.

Keeping an Eye on the Staff

The staff cannot enter customers’ rooms without authorization unless it is an emergency or they need to carry out certain tasks that have been allocated to them by the hotel. In some situations, there can be a more thought-out hierarchical system in place when it comes to role access among the hotel’s staff instead of letting just about anyone working access to the rooms. The hotel can place access controls in different avenues of the hotel.


There is not just one kind of theft that can occur in the hotel. There are many cyber-related threats that can emerge, one of them being identity theft. This all equates back to organized criminals looking at hotel guests as highly vulnerable targets, who become highly accessible if the hotels don’t have proper security systems in place. In fact, identity theft has been reported to be a higher statistic as compared to the physical crime. This can involve targeting multiple people all at once.


Communication is extremely important when it comes to active emergencies, in a place that is housing a large number of people. The hotels usually house hundreds of guests which makes this a challenging task ahead. You need to make sure that you have tested the alarm system in place that will help guide people in case of emergencies such as markers, and intercom systems. Make sure your employees also have adequate training in emergency protocols. Placing vehicle patrol security can help with emergency evacuations, and allow the guards to reach areas of urgency much more quickly.

Curbing Bad Behavior

In the hospitality industry, there are moments where you will encounter people that tend to go too far. There will be people who get drunk and act out of order while disturbing the peace of the entire hotel. It can result in physical attacks or damages to the property. Keeping unarmed guard services Orange County around can help to keep these situations under control by a significant mark.

Unauthorized Guests

The hotels need to train their employees to remember the faces of their customers who are residing there. You can set a system in place as well that will give the employees a way to verify people coming in and going out. In case the situation goes out of hand, the unarmed security guards of the hotel can step in to get it under control.

Why Your Small Business in San Bernardino Needs Security Monitoring?

Small business owners are well aware of how much money and time it takes to run a business. You have to coordinate daily tasks with your partners and subordinates, communicate with the suppliers and the clients, and also ensure that the latter is getting security monitoring. All in all, the owners tend to have a lot on their plates. 

This calls for a properly allocated investment in small business security systems because a lack of one can lead to lost assets, stolen inventory, tampered data, and eventually lost revenue. Unoccupied commercial properties are often soft targets for criminals. In a lot of the cases, the value of the damages caused by theft is not high enough to properly justify the cost of an insurance claim.  Larger corporations do have a greater potential of surviving theft, and other similar crimes, small businesses like retail stores, manufacturers, restaurants, and cafes might have a narrower margin to escape with. Several small business owners do lucky tend to realize the importance of devising a security plan. There are different options when it comes to going about security. 

Some business owners like to go for a do-it-yourself security installation. However, we would strongly advise against that. One major problem would come from the monitoring of the camera itself. Though surveillance equipment comes with an option to connect everything with your smart device, the store owner cannot do the whole thing themselves. With all the other facets of the business demand their attention, it would be nearly impossible for the business owners to keep an eye on every alert that they get on their smartphones.

Even if, the owner is vigilant and does respond to the alert, they might not be able to notify the authorities promptly for them to take action. Many reputable security services in San Bernardino, tend to place security guards in order to monitor the CCTV footage at all times. They are also associated with the local police department so that any mishaps or suspicious activity would be immediately reported. This leads to inadequate security for the small business, far poor than it needs in order to keep its assets and inventory safe.

What Happens When Business Security is Inadequate?

One small incident of shoplifting is not exactly catastrophic for a small business, though it is a sign that they need to install tighter security monitoring around the premise. Shoplifting can be expected in some instances, especially if it is a general store. However, it is the accumulation of shoplifting, employee crimes, false alarm, and burglaries that might really make the business financially suffer in Security guard services in San Bernardino. According to 2016 research, burglaries have been one of the main causes of revenue loss for businesses. There were 1.7 million burglaries in the US in 2014 itself. These incidents rack up 13.6% of total property crimes in the country, but it is small businesses are much more likely to be subjected to these than larger businesses. 

This means that your inventory assets are much more at risk than anything else. You will not only risk losing your inventory but also attain a lot of property damage. When you have eyes monitoring your business you are increasing the chance of being compensated for these incidents. One major favor you can do for yourself is to station armed guards services San Bernardino, around the perimeters of the business. Though a lot of burglaries happen while the business is shut down for the day, shoplifting also tends to pose a lot of financial danger for the business. 

Where to Install Security Camera?

Just simply installing the security cameras will not do the trick, you will have to be strategic about their placement. Security cameras will only benefit you when they are used effectively. There are a wide range of security cameras present, and it would be a huge waste of money if you cannot use them how they are meant to be. 

There are certain trigger points in every property that will have to have a security camera installed. The general points that you can cover are:

Points of Transaction:

It is crucial that you have a camera pointed towards any place where the money is being processed or exchanged. This way you will be able to keep a record of all that is going on, and whether any money has been meddled with or not. Whether it is customers, or employees standing around the cash boxes or registers, it is highly necessary that you keep an eye out for what is happening. If anything happens you will be able to retrace your steps to really know who to incriminate. Make sure the camera is pointing at the torso, and hands of the person, and can also capture the face of the employee or the customer.

Entrances and Exits:

Firstly, we highly suggest you install unarmed guard services San Bernardino, on your exit and entry points. This will keep your customers from getting intimidated and have the lawbreakers think twice before carrying out their plans. When it comes to the cameras, you want to make sure that they are placed in such a way that they capture the face of all the people coming in and going out. This can be at the backdoor where the employees enter, and the front where the customer enters and leave from. Also, make sure that your camera allows for timestamps so that you can know how long a customer is staying in one place, and inside the shop itself. 

Storage Areas:

The cameras in storage rooms are especially important if you are a retail store. This is where you store most of the goods, whether you are a clothes shop or a jewelry store. It is these areas where dishonest employees or burglars will really find the most game in. just make sure that the storage areas or warehouses are well lit or you have motion-sensing lights that will allow the camera to really capture what is going on.

Benefits of Installing CCTV Camera:

1. Revision of incidents

The high-quality video surveillance systems that allow for detailed coverage will help the business owners understand what happened during the scenario, and who actually did it. This will stop them from wasting their time, and possibly incriminating the wrong person. All the small business owners will have to do is look through the surveillance footage and figure out who it really is. However, when you have an unarmed guard and Security guard services in San Bernardino stationed at the monitor, they will stop the incident from occurring as it is. 

2. Check-in

With someone already manning the cameras, you as a small business owner can now easily go on your vacations. You do not need to go into a hassle as soon as you receive a notification on your phone of a possible break-in, the armed or unarmed guard station at the monitors will notify the needed authorities for you. They will even inform you of all that happened once the situation has been resolved, and so all you need to do is be knowledgeable of the entire situation. The Security guard services in San Bernardino will also keep a daily activity journal that you can look through later. 

3. Help the Authorities

In case of a bigger, related, or indirectly related to your business, you can offer surveillance footage to make the authorities’ job a little easier. In case there is some incident that occurred near your shop and your camera happened to catch it, the footage could act as a great source of evidence for the police to Contact Us.

Why is Executive Protection Important in Los Angeles?

We all know that Los Angeles is one of the most hyped-up cities in the United States. It is an urban center and home to some of the most famous landmarks and locations. A city is full of high profiles from actors, musicians to athletes, political individuals, and entrepreneurs. In such busy and crowded cities, security threats are also a problem, and these high profile individuals do face these security threats most of the time. This is the reason that executive protection is becoming very important in cities like Los Angeles and other business hubs of the United States. 

So, what executive protection actually means? It is all about securing the key members like the CEO, President, and all the other executives in an organization. High-ranking individuals in any organization become the main target for kidnapping, robberies, and other criminal activities, and because of which personalized protection is necessary to keep things going either on an ongoing basis or during some specific situations. These security measures are very important as they provide two crucial elements including the safety of individuals and provide a company with strategic competitive advantages.  

Below mentioned are the four reasons why executive protection important in Los Angeles.

Executive Protection Provide Peace of Mind:

The team of highly experienced professionals faces a lot of difficulties in preventing unwanted situations such as robbery or etc. and these unwanted situations have a direct impact on the mental health of that individual who is involved. It does not matter if the situation is major or minor, sometimes minor problems can also have a long-lasting impact. For many high-level executives like CEOs and other chiefs, there are many reasons to worry about and personal safety along with the safety of their loved ones are likely to be at the forefront of these. 

Individuals who are in the public’s eye should ensure that their personal spaces are protected from any sort of crime or criminals who wish to gain attention from a high-profile attack. These events are not only physically harmful but can be highly damaging for both the company they work in, for themselves, and their families as well. 

So, having a good executive protection team can work tirelessly in the background to ensure everyone on the premises are safe and secure and also reduce the risk of any unwanted incidents which might distract these executives from their work and allow them to give full focus instead. 

Executive Protection Provide Continuity:

Sudden injuries to one of the high ranking members in an organization for any reason can disrupt the business and cause a lot of tensions between management and the operations. In addition to this, consumers along with the employees also lose a lot of confidence as well. The worst-case scenario is such unwanted incidents reduce the stock prices, decrease in professional trust and negative press releases happen within the company. 

However, executive protection cannot give a 100% guarantee that these incidents will never occur again but at least having them can reduce the security threats and huge risk that is involved. The executive protection guards do it through intelligence gathering, protection planning, and having first-aid trained security personnel available to deal with any health problems. 

Executive Protection Increase the Productivity:

Another reason why executive protection is way too important is that it allows the executives to become productive. They feel safe while working and it increases their productivity hence the company’s performance is increased. These protection services are more than just being a bodyguard for executives – instead, they improve each and every element of an executive’s life. From ensuring that their families at home are safe, their children are safely picked up from schools to any kind of travel arrangements, and much more, these benefits of life without any interruptions lead to higher productivity.

Executive Protection Enable Ease of Travel:

Lastly, the executive protection enables ease to travel. Despite business operations, travel continues to eat up a large amount of executive’s time, from company meetings within the country to conferences and even vocational travel. It depends on the quality of planning that is done before travel, the experience can either be smooth or a physical nightmare. 

However, having good executive protection helps a lot because they take care of the logistics in travel, especially in hostile environments. The need for the executives to travel might be a necessary evil, but with the right team behind the planning, everything happens as it was planned to be without any interruptions. 

For more than 10 years now, Direct Guard Services has been working with all types of businesses and individuals to help protect and provide safety. From big corporations to startups and local businesses, Direct Guard Services has been providing highly-trained security guards of all types.

If you need more information about executive protection services, feel free to contact our customer service team and get yourself or your business curated security services as per your needs. Contact us or call us now at 800-578-2123

What Makes Direct Guard Services the Best Armed Security Guard Company?

There are thousands of armed security guard company but what is it really which makes Direct Guard Services stand out in front of all of them? It is our success ratio. Direct Guard Service is a pioneer in the field of both armed and unarmed security.

We offer all kinds of trained security guards, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, choosing the security services that you can place your trust in is a genuine business and absolutely not a decision to be messed with therefore we are here to assist you with any kind of security services you require.


  • Security Guard Companies: The crucial necessities 
  • Each security guard’s preparation is under steady assessment 
  • Completely authorized and certified
  • Direct Guard Service works with you to comprehend your requirements 
  • Direct Guard Service offers full adaptability 
  • Direct Guard Service has a 100% success ratio



 Each Security Guard’s Preparation is Under Steady Assessment: 

The present universe of security is altogether different from that of the past many years. Preparing people is vital, both for unarmed security services and outfitted security guards. With regards to that, you should feel free that those authorized to utilize a gun have fitted and routinely refreshed training to sharpen their abilities. At the point when you depend on the Direct Guard with your equipped security needs, you can have confidence that each security guard is completely prepared and conforms to all vital continuous instruction and legitimate prerequisites to remain battle-ready.


 Completely Authorized and Certify:


Any security guard company you wish to work with is responsible for both the armed and unarmed security guards who are working at your property, they are liable for their security guards whether they are working in any State, country or anywhere else, moreover at Direct Guard the administration sticks carefully to each locale of the world wherein they work. Obviously, you ought to likewise complete your due industriousness into the authorizing of a security organization. At the point when you collaborate with Direct Guard this proof is consequently introduced, and they’ll be enchanted to completely uncover and examine their accreditation whenever you pick.


 Direct Guard Service works with you to Comprehend your Requirements:


Direct Guard Service works with you to ensure that you are getting the exact service you are looking for, are you looking for an armed or unarmed security service, are you looking to protect a specific person, property, etc, all of these factors are considered to meet your requirements. Fast Guard will do an itemized evaluation that permits them to precisely offer the specific support that tends to your requirements. Likewise, their specialists will likewise occasionally reevaluate, so permitting them to talk about with you any potential changes that may upgrade the service.


 Direct Guard Service Offers full Adaptability:


A good security company will always support you in your decisions, whether you want to stick to the same service or you wanna modify or switch to something else they are always there to adapt to your choice of service. It is recommended that you speak to the company you hire beforehand in order to avoid any disputes. We at Direct Guard Service ensure that you get what you are looking for therefore we offer full adaptability according to your needs.


 Direct Guard Service has a 100% Success Ratio:


Who are their past and current customers? Do they have numerous proposals returning a lot of time? While, normally, great security organizations regarding the protection of their customers, it should, in any case, be conceivable to look at their history. Without a doubt, quality outfitted security suppliers will have an arrangement of extraordinary audits that they’ll gladly impart to you. In the case of Direct Guard Services, we provide all the evidence and answer any inquiries regarding our success ratio to ensure your satisfaction.


 All Security Guard Companies Must Satisfy All These Essential Requirements


Simply, a good security organization will always score 5/5 for all the above requirements—and none do it with such a lot of assurance than worldwide regarded Direct Guard Service. Whichever supplier you wind up choosing, it’s crucial that you’re fulfilled they meet all the above standards. 


 Searching for the Best Armed Security Company? You can confide in Direct Guard to Convey


Direct Guard’s accomplished and agreeable group would be enchanted to talk about your necessities for outfitted security—or undoubtedly any part of your security needs. In addition to the fact that they guarantee immaculate adherence to all the abovementioned, yet their worldwide arrival implies they can adequately give security in any country and zone of the world. 


Regardless of whether you’ve used the skill of furnished security previously or are investigating the chance of doing as such unexpectedly, Direct Guard’s quintessential experts offer assistance that is top-notch. 

For more than 10 years now, Direct Guard Services has been working with all types of businesses and individuals to help protect and provide safety. From big corporations to startups and local businesses, Direct Guard Services has been providing highly-trained security guards of all types.

If you need more information about executive protection services, feel free to contact our customer service team and get yourself or your business a curated security service as per your needs. Contact us now at 800-578-2123 or visit our website.